If you are looking for the top trademark survey experts in Massachusetts, Keegan & Donato Consulting would be pleased to advise you on the best, most affordable approach for your particular survey or provide you with an objective evaluation of survey research that already exists.
Keegan & Donato Consulting provides a complete suite of services, including consulting on litigation strategy for both plaintiff and defendant clients, consumer research studies, expert reports, testimony in trademark and trade-dress litigation, testimony at deposition and/or trial, and rebuttal of opposing parties’ surveys when applicable.
As a specialty research consultancy, we are members of the International Trademark Association (INTA), the American Marketing Association (AMA), the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), and ESOMAR, the leading global association for market, social and opinion researchers, and offer other skills and tools that can help you strengthen your case.
Why You Need a Qualified Expert?
Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence requires experts to have scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge that will help the court understand the evidence. The expert’s testimony must be based on sufficient facts or data obtained by reliable principles and methods that have been properly applied to the facts of the case.
Selecting the right type of survey for a case requires skill and experience. Keegan & Donato Consulting approaches survey design on a case-by-case basis in view of the fact that every case is unique. We work closely with clients to understand and appreciate the fundamental issues driving the case, and work to maximize the value of the research evidence to the overall case strategy.
As consulting experts, we can provide you with technical and strategic advice; help you analyze the economic, financial and/or technical complexities of your case; help you determine suitable deposition questions to ask; help you prepare a testifying expert for deposition and trial; or critique the potential weaknesses in an adversary’s survey evidence in a rebuttal report.
To satisfy judicial and adversarial scrutiny, we follow survey design, execution and presentation best practices. Our consumer research studies direct objective, non-leading questions to an appropriate universe of consumers. Procedures are in place to minimize potential biases in data collection, and services include a full analysis and reporting of survey data.
Our skillful, objective analysis will ensure the admissibility and persuasiveness of the results and help you develop a powerful case or rebuttal strategy.
At Keegan & Donato Consulting, we are confident that trademark attorneys and their clients in Massachusetts will find the litigation support and extensive knowledge of our trademark survey team invaluable. Get in touch with us today at (914) 967-9421 to learn more about our affordable services.