Trademark survey design is a crucial part of protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights. A well-designed survey by Keegan & Donato Consulting can provide valuable insights into consumer perception and help trademark owners make informed decisions about their brands. When we design surveys for trademark cases, we focus on important factors such as the target audience, survey methodology, and the nature of the trademark in question.
Who We Are
Keegan & Donato Consulting provides nationwide service to attorneys practicing in federal and state courts, before arbitration panels, the TTAB, the NAD, and other specialty venues, and their clients. Principals Mark Keegan and Anthony Donato offer clients more than 30 combined years of proven survey methodologies, deep operational insight, and extensive industry experience.
Our services include conducting thorough research, analysis, and preparing affidavits and reports for both plaintiffs and defendants involved in trademark infringement litigation. We have collaborated on numerous cases that involve business, marketing, and financial issues. Our expertise in these areas enables us to provide valuable support to our clients.
Understanding Trademark Survey Design
Trademark survey design is a crucial aspect of trademark litigation. It involves designing a survey to determine whether a particular trademark is likely to cause consumer confusion.
Concept and Importance
Trademark survey design involves designing a survey that accurately measures consumer perceptions of a particular trademark. A representative group of consumers is usually selected to participate in a survey and is asked a series of questions related to the specific trademark. The purpose of the survey is to assess the likelihood of confusion the trademark causes among consumers.
Trademark surveys are important because they provide valuable evidence in trademark litigation. They are often used to support or oppose a trademark registration or to assess the likelihood of confusion in trademark infringement cases. A well-designed trademark survey can provide strong evidence to support a party’s position in litigation.
Basic Principles
The Keegan & Donato Consulting team follows several basic principles when designing a trademark survey, including the following:
- Representative Sample: The sample of consumers selected for the survey should be representative of the relevant market where the trademark is likely to be encountered. This ensures that the survey is conducted among consumers who would be most likely to come across the trademark in question.
- Unbiased Questions: The survey questions should be impartial and neutral, without any bias toward eliciting a particular response from the consumer.
- Clear and Concise Questions: The questions asked in the survey should be clear and concise. They should be easy for the consumer to understand and answer.
- Control Questions: The survey questions should be unambiguous and brief, making it easy for the consumer to comprehend and respond.
- Appropriate Format: The survey format, whether it is a written questionnaire or an online survey, should be user-friendly for the consumer to complete with ease.
How Keegan & Donato Consulting Can Help
Trademark survey design is an important factor in trademark litigation. When choosing a company to help you in your cases, consider Keegan & Donato Consulting. We deliver intelligence within a wide range of budgets to help reinforce your strategy. Contact us today at (914) 967-9421 for more information.