The expert services of consumer survey companies like Keegan & Donato Consulting can have a significant impact on your client’s case. No matter your budget or your needs, we can help you develop a powerful case or rebuttal strategy.
Our vast experience includes conducting consumer surveys to test a wide variety of Lanham Act claims, such as likelihood of confusion, strength of mark, secondary meaning, acquired distinctiveness, trade dress, and others, false and deceptive advertising, consumer perception, and expert witness testimony on consumer survey, marketing and economic issues.
We have worked with prestigious law firms from coast to coast, including Arnold & Porter LLP and Girard Gibbs LLP in San Francisco, Riemer & Braunstein LLP in Boston, Stanley, Mandel & Iola, LLP in San Diego, and Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein LP in New York.
How to Find a Consumer Survey Expert
Expert advice can be critical for a variety of reasons, such as in making the most of fact discovery, framing discovery requests, and identifying issues to investigate in depositions.
Primarily through survey evidence, an expert can help establish whether or not a descriptive mark has acquired secondary meaning; whether or not competing marks are likely to confuse consumers; whether or not a mark is famous; and whether or not one brand’s mark is likely to cause dilution to a competing mark.
When survey data is collected, experts can interpret the facts and testify about them to a judge or jury. They can address unique questions or facts that are central to the issues in your case and assist you with quantifying damages.
Experts play different roles in different types of cases, however, so it’s important to consider your specific goals before starting a search. To find an expert who is best suited for your case, a good first step is to decide if you are looking for a specific methodological approach, such as an economic analysis to assess damages or a marketing assessment of a brand’s competition.
Next, look at each firm’s experience and review their credentials. Ask about cases in which they have offered expert testimony to find out if any were similar to your case and whether any of their testimony was excluded. Find out what the firms that hired them think about their work. Interview each potential candidate to find out if they fully understand the issues in your case.
Our Experience
Principals Mark Keegan and Anthony Donato have 25 years of combined experience and education in consumer-based survey research and data analysis in the context of intellectual property disputes, and follow a solid methodological foundation in survey design, execution and presentation.
Because every case is unique, we work with each client to understand the fundamental issues of their cases in order to maximize the value of the survey evidence to the overall case strategy. We would be pleased to advise you on the best approach to your consumer survey or provide you with an objective evaluation of an opposing expert’s survey research.
Keegan & Donato Consulting works on a fixed rate or hourly basis depending on the needs of each client, and will help you design a survey that is both reliable and within your budget.
If you are looking for consumer survey companies with a combination of skills that can help you strengthen your San Jose case, Keegan & Donato Consulting offers the expertise and data-gathering capabilities you need. Get in touch with us today at (914) 967-9421 to find out more.