When you need a consumer product survey for trademark litigation, it is critical to choose a company with the training and expertise to design and execute it properly.
Consumer surveys can provide reliable empirical data regarding consumer perceptions of marketing claims that are the subject of litigation. They can also be a cost-effective way to collect feedback and gain important insight from your target markets when you have a new product concept or are launching a new product.
Consumer research studies are a common approach toward proving consumer perception, secondary meaning, strength of mark, acquired distinctiveness, and more.
Keegan & Donato Consulting is a specialty research consultancy and a leading firm in the field of trademark litigation. The firm provides expert research, analysis, affidavits and reports on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants throughout the nation, and has collaborated extensively on cases involving business, marketing, and financial issues.
We have designed and executed many studies to determine how consumers in a particular market perceive a marketing claim and the extent to which those consumer perceptions align with the realities of the product being marketed.
For example, recent studies have involved “all natural” and/or “100% natural” product claims. These studies have examined how consumers perceive the natural claims and to what extent, if at all, those claims have impacted the consumer purchase decision. Our research has provided our clients a foundation for presenting fact-based evidence in support of their positions.
Our Methodology
Keegan & Donato Consulting utilizes an industry-leading online survey software platform to design and execute state-of-the-art surveys that feature:
- Classic and custom survey designs
- Ability to target specific populations
- Balanced, representative panels
- Hundreds of question types and formats
- Advanced question rotation and randomization
- Customizable complex skip and display logic
- Real-time results
- Advanced screening capabilities
- Audio, video and image capabilities
- Graphic design capabilities
Each of our surveys consists of a sampling plan, a set of questions, and a method of administering the questions. Each aspect is designed according to scientific and accepted research practice. Deciding on a survey population that reasonably represents the customers at issue in the case is a key component.
Rebuttals & Critiques
With an unparalleled knowledge of the science and methodology behind consumer research surveys, Keegan & Donato Consulting also has the ability to identify flaws and weaknesses in a study that may not be apparent to an untrained eye, but may help you refute the credibility of an opponent’s expert or analysis.
To maximize the value of consumer product survey evidence to your overall marketing or trademark litigation strategy, get in touch with the experts at Keegan & Donato Consulting at (914) 967-9421. We will work within your budget to deliver the survey results you need.