In cases of false advertising and consumer fraud, as well as issues involving marketing communications, a consumer awareness survey can provide you with reliable empirical data about the key claims driving your case.
Keegan & Donato Consulting offers wide-ranging strategic and analytical skills in the area of IP litigation, and have collaborated extensively with plaintiffs and defendants in support of trademark infringement and trade dress litigation and on cases involving marketing, business and financial issues.
Our specialties include:
- Likelihood of Confusion Analysis & Surveys
- Secondary Meaning Analysis & Surveys
- Strength of Mark Analysis & Surveys
- Lanham Act Analysis & Surveys
- Trade Dress Analysis & Surveys
- Consumer Perception Analysis & Surveys
- Consumer Understanding Studies
- Expert Witness Testimony
Consumer research is focused on collecting data from relevant consumers through methodologically-sound, scientific, industry-accepted principles of survey research. The results are typically projectable to the broader population of relevant consumers in the market.
Surveys are valuable tools in litigation because they provide insight into actual consumer perceptions, often when no other scientific evidence is available. By exposing consumers to relevant stimuli and gauging their reactions, it is possible to measure their attitudes and behaviors, and understand how they understand the relevant issues in the case.
Keegan & Donato Consulting has designed and executed many studies to determine how consumers perceive a manufacturer’s marketing claim and the extent to which those consumer perceptions align with the realities of the product being marketed.
For example, a number of our recent studies have examined how consumers perceive “all natural” and/or “100% natural” product claims and to what extent, if at all, those claims have impacted the consumer purchase decision.
The highlighting of product attributes on product labels, packaging and in marketing materials, ranging from ingredients to efficacy, technical specifications, performance, and many others, are a means of communication between buyer and seller and can be a strong influence in the consumer’s decision-making process.
Consumer surveys can also serve as a useful tool for brand holders who want to gauge consumer perception of products or services; evaluate the buying habits of their target market; test the marketplace for a new brand name, logo or idea; and other key marketing issues.
Another recent case involved a two-pronged market research study to gauge both consumer awareness and consumer perception to help a client determine how their social painting brand compared to competitors in their market.
As a specialty research consultancy, we are members of the International Trademark Association (INTA), ESOMAR, the leading global association for market, social and opinion researchers, and the American Marketing Association (AMA). Mr. Keegan is also an AMA-designated Professional Certified Marketer.
The real-world results that Keegan & Donato Consulting has collected in consumer awareness surveys has provided clients a basis for presenting fact-based evidence in support of their positions. Call us at (914) 967-9421 to find out how such a study could bolster your case.