If you are looking for consumer survey research and rebuttal experts who can assist with your IP litigation, consider Keegan & Donato Consulting. We provide trademark litigation surveys and expert witness testimony to ensure that the evidence you introduce in your case will hold up to scrutiny from courts and opposing experts.
Keegan & Donato Consulting offers a wide range of services to plaintiff and defendant clients. Principals Mark Keegan and Tony Donato collaborate closely with clients across the nation to understand the key issues driving a case, and work to maximize the value of consumer survey evidence to the overall case strategy.
What We Do for Our Valued Clients
- Design, execute and present results of:
- trademark litigation surveys, including likelihood of confusion, secondary meaning, trade dress, strength of mark, genericness, fame, and others;
- false and deceptive advertising, consumer perception, and other types of marketing surveys;
- Critique and rebuttal of trademark and marketing surveys;
- Damages and forensic economic analyses;
- Expert witness testimony on consumer survey, marketing and economic issues.
We employ both classic survey designs and develop innovative custom survey designs to suit our clients’ needs. Our industry-leading online survey software platform facilitates the programming and execution of advanced survey designs, including complex skip logic and advanced rotation and randomization of questions, answer options, and stimuli.
Why Choose Us?
Surveys are valuable tools in trademark litigation because they provide insight into actual consumer perceptions, often when no other scientific evidence is available, and may help you build a stronger case.
Highly qualified experts, such as Keegan & Donato Consulting, can help establish whether or not competing marks are likely to confuse consumers; whether or not a descriptive mark has acquired secondary meaning; whether or not a mark is famous; and whether or not one brand’s mark is likely to cause dilution.
Expert advice can also be crucial for making the most of fact discovery, framing discovery requests, and identifying issues to investigate in depositions, as well as to identify flaws and weaknesses in a study that may help you refute the credibility of an expert’s work. Keegan & Donato Consulting can provide expert analysis for rebuttal.
Most of our consumer studies cost between $30,000 and $80,000 to complete, and $55,000 is the most typical cost. We work on a fixed rate or hourly basis depending on your needs and will work with you to design a survey that is both reliable and within your budget.
We have partnered with leading firms, including Blood Hurst & O’Reardon LLP (San Diego), SmithAmundsen LLC (Chicago), Ropes & Gray LLP (Washington, DC), and Notaro, Michalos & Zaccaria PC (New Jersey), on litigation surveys that have been entered into evidence in matters involving a broad range of products and services.
If you need consumer survey research and/or rebuttal services to help you develop a powerful case strategy, Keegan & Donato Consulting can provide the expertise you need. Contact us at (914) 967-9421 to learn more.