Trademark survey experts, such as Keegan & Donato Consulting, assist firms in Orlando and across the nation with providing crucial evidence in intellectual property disputes about matters such as likelihood of confusion, secondary meaning, acquired distinctiveness, brand awareness, and other issues.

Keegan & Donato Consulting in Rye, NY has designed, executed, and critiqued hundreds of surveys that have been admitted into evidence in federal and state courts, before arbitration panels, the TTAB, the NAD, and other specialty venues.
Principals Mark Keegan and Tony Donato offer a combined 25+ years of strategic and analytical skills in the area of intellectual property litigation, and have collaborated extensively with plaintiffs and defendants in support of trademark infringement and trade dress litigation and on cases involving marketing, business and financial issues.
Our surveys have been accepted as evidence in matters involving a wide variety of products and services in many different industries. We have partnered with leading IP litigators across the country, such as Blank Rome LLP, Giampolo Law Group, and Fox Rothschild LLP in Philadelphia, and many other firms from New York City to Los Angeles and Washington, DC to San Diego.
Trademark Survey Methodology
In successful surveys, quality is paramount. To meet each client’s needs, Keegan & Donato Consulting follows established principles of consumer survey research to explore relevant issues in the case and target specific consumer populations with appropriate universe selection and sampling frames.
Our survey designs feature complex skip and display logic as well as cutting-edge rotation and randomization of questions, answer options, and stimuli when appropriate. We obtain survey samples from prominent marketing research companies that are top providers of survey sample in the U.S. and that maintain multi-million-member online consumer panels.
We have rigorous procedures in place to minimize potential data collection biases in our effort to provide clients with high-quality information about the targeted population, and a complete analysis and reporting of the survey data.
Critique & Rebuttal
You may be confronted during litigation with a research study which, on its face, appears persuasive and well-executed. But research studies are not perfect, and Keegan & Donato Consulting can provide guidance about possible flaws in the survey evidence you face in your case.
With an unparalleled knowledge of the science and methodology behind consumer research surveys, we have the ability to identify weaknesses in a study that may not be apparent to an untrained eye, but may help you refute the credibility of an opposing expert’s work.
In addition to survey rebuttal, we are often enlisted for advice on how to approach an opposing expert’s deposition. We can counsel you on specific survey-related issues to address with the expert and on areas of questioning about survey research in general.
Hiring credentialed, experienced trademark survey experts for your IP litigation in Orlando can increase the odds that your survey will be able to withstand challenges and criticism. Keegan & Donato Consulting has the expertise necessary to quickly deliver intelligence within a wide range of budgets. Call us today at (914) 967-9421 to find out how we can help.